Palm Beach County Water Treatment Plants 2 and 9 Hurricane Hardening Evaluation

Pine Ridge Education Center
Water Treatment Plants (WTP) Nos.2 and 9 are water treatment facilities owned and operated by Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department (PBCWUD)—improvements to the Florida Building Code (FBC), particularly with respect to wind loading. The scope of work included evaluating structures at WTP 2 & 9 and researching the design/permitted information on available for structures.
Miramar Water Treatment Plant

Water Treatment Plant Expansion from 18 MGD to 30 MGD. Structural Site Condition Survey, Structural Analysis, Design, Construction Phase Services, and Special Inspection Services for the renovation upgrades of the existing east water treatment plant, including a new membrane plant. Replacement of the existing filter gallery and construction of a new ground storage tank. Construction phase engineering services included coordinating and reviewing all structural shop drawings, product approval and troubleshooting, full-time inspection services, and final certification.
Plantation East Water Treatment Plant Chemical Storage

The role of this project included Structural Site Condition Survey, Structural Analysis and Design, Structural Improvements, and Special Inspection Services for chemical improvements throughout the Plantation East Water Treatment Plant.
Water Treatment Plant #8 Chlorination Improvements, Palm Beach County

The role of this project included Structural Site Condition Survey, Structural Analysis and Design, Structural Improvements, and Special Inspection Services for a skid-mounted dilution system, hypochlorite pipe support, and a new pump pad and grating over the pipe bank for water treatment plant #8.
Water Treatment Plant #11 Chemical Improvements Palm Beach County

The role of this project included Structural Site Condition Survey, Structural Analysis and Design, Structural Improvements, and Special Inspection Services for chemical improvements throughout water treatment #11.
Southern Regional Water Reclamation Facility (SRWRF) Hurricane hardening, Palm Beach County

The role of this project included a Structural Site Condition Survey of five (5) buildings at SRWRF, including the Pre-treatment Building, Blower Buildings #1 & 2, Electrical Standby Power building, and Effluent Pump Station