Fort Lauderdale International Airport
Pedestrian Bridge
LYE Engineering Services: Construction Engineering Inspections (CEI)
Five Bridges: 865005, 865003, 865002, 865001, and 865000
City of Coconut Creek, FL

The Bridges consist of single-span, precast concrete solid slabs between each bent and abutment on the north and south sides of the canal. Lakdas/Yohalem Engineering Services included condition surveys and assessments compiled within a report documenting findings and recommendations.
Margate Blvd Bridge #867305

The existing bridge, 61’-0 wide with spans 19’-0 between the east and west abutment walls, has a deck construction of 24” deep precast concrete plank with an asphalt overlay. The deck supporting abutment walls are constructed with 14 x 14 precast concrete piles with panels and bent beams at the top over the piles. All wing walls are constructed with T piles and precast concrete panels with a lap joint behind the piles. The boat ramp is located on the northwest corner of the bridge. The structural condition survey of the bridge and its related structures was conducted by the highly experienced team at Lakdas/Yohalem Engineering. The survey involved a meticulous visual inspection of the bridge’s structural defects, their locations, and sizes on each of the bridge’s structural components. The survey will provide a comprehensive outline of the structure’s defects and recommendations for their repair.
Swap Shop Pedestrian Bridge, Sunrise Blvd

​Pedestrian Bridge over Sunrise Blvd at the Swap Shop. Steel 3D frame girder bridge single span, 157'-0 span stay in place metal deck with concrete. The original design and inspection were done by Lakdas/Yohalem Engineering in 1989. Inspection 2020 for repair and renovation. Inspection in 2022 for repair work, including roof structure and screen wall replacement. Lakdas/Yohalem Engineering Services included bridge structural evaluation, materials selection, bridge design, means and methods for bridge construction, bridge cost estimation, and bridge construction techniques.
Orange Drive Bridge, Town of Davie, FL

The scope of this work is for the Construction Engineering and Inspections of the pedestrian bridge located on Orange Drive (150 Feet East of SW 66 Avenue). The scope includes the review of shop drawings, responding to Contractor Request for Information (RFI), onsite inspection during construction, and final project certification per South Florida Water Management District.
South Gateway Park Bridge Renovations, City of Lauderhill, FL

This project consists of bridge renovations. Lakdas/Yohalem Engineering reviewed shop drawings and contractor RFI’s, troubleshooting, punch list items, inspection services, and project certification